Each Training Camp, our members complete Fitness Benchmarks to test their Athletic Capacity across 3 key areas: Anaerobic Conditioning Muscular Endurance Power We track member progression across these areas to get an idea of how they are improving in their overall fitness and performance across their training. Each area has… Read more
When it comes to tracking your progress, there are a number of ways to develop a more comprehensive understanding of how your body changes over time as unique to you, and they don’t necessarily involve the numbers on the scale. Every body is different, we all have a unique genetic… Read more
To understand what your daily caloric intake is, first you need to understand the importance of energy for your body. Energy forms the fundamental basis of our body’s daily functions; it acts like fuel to power healthy cell repair and internal function, as well as building and maintaining cells and… Read more
When you walk into a supermarket, it can feel overwhelming; especially if you’re trying to introduce more nutritious foods into your diet. From the moment you walk through the supermarket doors you are bombarded by choice, which can make it difficult to understand which brands and food choices are best… Read more
In order to achieve your goals, you don’t have to push yourself to exhaustion every single week, you simply need to remain consistent in your training and nutrition. Find ways to move and keep active, even when you can’t make it to the club for a workout, or find ways… Read more
Post-exercise recovery is a crucial component of our training program and will help us with achieving long term results. Muscle repair and recovery enables us to recharge our body’s battery, ensuring that we are ready for our next workout in a rested state, and be able to function at our… Read more
Not every day is a title fight, we all go through ups and downs, it’s how we start each day that counts. As fighters, we adopt a “Winning Mindset” – life is not a competition, only you can control how you perceive your success. Approach life with perseverance and know… Read more
The first key component of recovery nutrition is to rehydrate and replenish the stores lost through your sweat. When it comes to your food, the body is most effective at replacing carbohydrate and promoting muscle repair in the first 60 – 90 minutes post workout.
When it comes to having a healthy diet it is important to remember that your nutritional needs should first and foremost be met primarily through your diet. Supplements certainly have their place yet they are not intended to be a substitute for food, they are meant to be there to… Read more
When you lead a busy life it can be challenging to choose healthy foods. Meal preparation is preparing some, or all of your meals ahead of time to help your future self. Not only does it save time, it ensures you have healthy options available, it increases the nutrient density… Read more