If you’re finding yourself jam-packed with festivities this holiday season and can’t make it to your usual gym sessions, try aiming for fast and effective workouts that you can do anywhere, anytime!
Focus on compound movements that activate the entire body, and utilise full movements.
To help you stay active, here are a couple of equipment-free workouts you can do anywhere, anytime.

How it works
These at-home boxing and strength workouts have 4 rounds, 3 minutes each, with 30 seconds rest in between.
Each round has 1-2 x exercises to be repeated as many times as possible during the 3 minute duration.
The entire workout can be repeated as many times as you like to achieve your desired total workout duration. Complete it once for a quick, high impact workout in under 15 minutes, or complete up to 3 times through for the full UBX experience.
Workout Tip
Set it for 3:00 with a 30 sec rest to
Use the MYZONE app, a stopwatch, or
repeat 4 times
download a free interval training app, and set it for 3:00 intervals, with 30 seconds rest, to repeat at least 4 times.
Workout #1
Round 1
- 5 x Push-up into 2 Mountain climbers
- 10 x Squat jumps
Round 2
- 5 (each side) x Plank press ups
- 10 x Sit-ups
Round 3
- 5 (each side) x Sprinter knee drives
- 5 x Burpees
Round 4
- 3:00 Shadow boxing
- Jab, Cross, Hook, Cross
- Add a Slip, Cross to the end of each combination to increase the intensity.
- Move your feet then reset after each combo.
- Try clockwise, anti-clockwise, forward and backwards.
Workout #2
Round 1
- 8 x Jump split squats
- 8 x T-press push-ups
Round 2
- 8 x Reverse lunges
- 10 x Single leg jack knives
Round 3
- 6 x Knee thrusters
- 6 x Frog jumps
Round 4
- 3:00 Shadow boxing
- Jab, Cross, Rip, Hook
- Add a Roll, Rear uppercut, Lead Hook at the end of each combination to increase the intensity.
- Move your feet then reset after each combo.
- Try clockwise, anti-clockwise, forward and backwards.
Want more?
Check out our app, Train: On Demand
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