Introducing Chad: UBX Camden’s Everest Challenger

February 16, 2024 at 4:49 am by

At UBX, every member’s journey is unique, filled with personal victories and collective experiences. Chad, the energetic owner of UBX Camden, is about to embark on an adventure that reflects the essence of what we stand for: pushing limits, fostering community, and embracing every challenge with open arms. He’s setting his sights on Everest Base Camp, joining forces with fellow UBX’ers in a show of solidarity and determination.

Chad is a franchise owner of UBX Camden in New South Wales, Australia

Chad’s Motivation: A Love for Adventure

Chad’s journey to Everest isn’t just about ticking off a bucket list item; it’s about embracing the adventure and the challenges that come with it. “I love hiking, seeing new places, and I’m a sucker for a challenge,” Chad admits. His passion for exploration has taken him from the rugged terrains of Australia to the breathtaking landscapes of Europe and New Zealand. But Everest? That’s the dream that’s been waiting for the right moment, and that moment is now.

Why Everest, and Why Now?

Everest has always loomed large in Chad’s imagination, a symbol of ultimate adventure. “Everest has always been an ambition of mine, but I never had the opportunity to do it,” he shares. The opportunity to tackle this with the UBX community was too good to pass up. It’s not just about the climb; it’s about sharing the journey with like-minded individuals who embody the UBX spirit of perseverance and teamwork.

The Himalayan Call

For Chad, the Himalayas represent more than just a physical challenge. “The spectacular and breathtaking scenery is definitely a huge draw card,” he says. His previous hikes, like the ones to Mount Kosciuszko and Cradle Mountain, have been training grounds for this ultimate test. The Himalayas promise a unique adventure, one that Chad is eager to dive into with the enthusiasm he’s known for.

Chad (top left) alongside members from UBX Camden

Preparation through UBX

Chad’s regimen at UBX Camden has been the perfect preparation for Everest. “I do the UBX circuit about 3-4 times a week and my fitness hasn’t been this good in years!” It’s this fitness and confidence that he plans to bring to the base camp, leading by example, just as he does in his gym.

Looking Forward to the Challenge

“This trek is going to challenge me both physically and mentally,” Chad anticipates. Reaching Everest Base Camp is about more than just personal achievement; it’s about overcoming the odds, experiencing the world’s majestic beauty, and doing it all alongside the UBX family. “I’m looking forward to watching the sunrise over Mount Everest from Everest Base Camp,” he envisions, highlighting the camaraderie that will make this experience unforgettable.

Celebrating UBX Camden’s first birthday

Advice for other UBX’ers

Chad’s advice to anyone at UBX contemplating a challenge, whether it’s within the gym or beyond, is straightforward: “You’ve just got to do it, get out of your comfort zone and take the plunge!” His journey from Camden to Everest Base Camp exemplifies what it means to live the UBX values—courage, determination, and the power of community.

As Chad prepares for his ascent, we at UBX are reminded of the strength and spirit that define our community. His adventure is a testament to the idea that with the right mindset and support, there are no limits to what we can achieve.

Let’s rally behind Chad as he takes on Everest, embodying the very best of UBX every step of the way

Let’s get the gloves on and see what’s possible

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