
Do I Need Supplements?

May 5, 2020 at 12:55 am by

When it comes to having a healthy diet it is important to remember that your nutritional needs should first and foremost be met primarily through your diet. Supplements certainly have their place yet they are not intended to be a substitute for food, they are meant to be there to… Read more

How to Effectively Meal Prep

May 5, 2020 at 12:48 am by

When you lead a busy life it can be challenging to choose healthy foods.   Meal preparation is preparing some, or all of your meals ahead of time to help your future self. Not only does it save time, it ensures you have healthy options available, it increases the nutrient density… Read more

Is Water Really That Important?

May 5, 2020 at 12:46 am by

During physical activity and movement, the body loses water via sweat and through breathing (via vapour). Dehydration can cause the cells to shrink which can lead to abnormal cell functioning, often the first symptom to be shown will be fatigue.

Understanding Food Nutrition Labels

May 5, 2020 at 12:42 am by

Everyone should know how to read a nutrition label to support their health and fitness goals.  Often these panels can seem quite daunting and confusing.  Nutritional panels are found on the back of food items, they provide information on the energy content of the food, the protein, carbohydrates, fat, saturated… Read more

Understanding Dietary Fats

February 5, 2020 at 1:44 am by

Dietary fats are one of the three macronutrients (nutrients we need in large quantities) required by the human body, in addition to protein and carbohydrates. They are important for optimal functioning of the human body, they provide us with a great source of energy, they carry fat soluble vitamins around… Read more