After 6 weeks of punching it out,Tevita has lost an incredible 10.1kg of Fat, 11.5cm off his waistline, and lost a whopping 15% Body Fat while adding an amazing 3.2kg of lean muscle – making him our 02 // Training Camp National winner!
With his supportive partner, Shantelle by his side, Tevita secured the National Prize of Return Flights and 4 Nights accomodation in Fiji!

Tevita and Shantelle started their journey at UBX Brookvale with Tevita joining in September, 2019, and Shantelle signing up in November that same year. Shantelle recounts, “seeing my partner’s results gave me motivation to give it ago as nothing else was working.”
Shantelle told us that what she loves most about UBX is, “everything!” She said, “honestly, other than all the great people you met everyday and the trainers that put so much effort towards you reaching your goals, I would say the workout is incredible! Everyday is different but also so fun.”
Between Tevita and Shantelle, they have lost 25kg!

Beyond these remarkable results, Tevita and Shantelle also share how their fitness and performance has dramatically improved.
Tevita improved his ski-erg, push up into clean and press and row benchmark test results over the 6 weeks of the 02 // Training Camp, demonstrating his increased athletic ability as well as his physical transformation.
Tevita felt his success came from his newly adopted ‘winning mindset’ and the supportive UBX Brookvale community, “I not only improved my health and fitness through Training Camp, I also made some great new friends. The support from fellow members and coaches was awesome and helped drive us towards our goals over the 6 weeks.”
Shantelle said that her motivation was her partner, Tevita, saying, “if it wasn’t for him to take the first step I would still be a chubby, depressed person that didn’t want to do anything. It has been such an amazing experience that I am studying to be a personal trainer and help others turn there life around.”
She also noted how important having that support network is towards reaching your goals, “the exercises were never too challenging as I had great trainers that were there every step of the way to help me do the workouts right.”

Both Tevita and Shantelle said that the Training Camp Nutrition played a major part in their transformation. Tevita has even noticed that family and friends are now asking him for health and nutrition tips which he never thought would happen. He says, “nutrition was the key ingredient for us. Our fridge looks very different now then it did 6 months ago and we love it!” But it wasn’t without its challenges, Shantelle shared, “at the start it was very difficult for me changing my diet as I wasn’t a fruit kind of gal. It was a massive struggle as bananas were my least favourite which I had to deal with as they are very important for muscle pains and growth. I love bananas now, and all the protein and supplements I have are all from True Protin as they are the cleanest.”
Congratulations Tevita and Shantelle, and to all those UBX’ers who have seen amazing results from our Training Camp, you too have inspired us all and together, we say ‘WELL DONE’!