Introducing Michael, our 11 // Training Camp Major Prize Male winner.

Not only did Michael take our the Male Major Prize for his before and after transformation in 11 // Training Camp, he was also our 10 // Training Camp Minor Prize winner – making him a back-to-back winner.
Michael is in his early 40’s and has been a member of UBX Berwick, Victoria since March 2021, joining as a ‘foundation member’ as part of the club’s pre-sale prior to opening.
Since starting with UBX, Michael has lost 20kg of body weight, even despite all of the muscle he’s gained throughout his training journey.
Michael told us it was a slow start to his journey, initially only completing 4 workouts in his first four months as a UBX’er, but as soon as 10 // Training Camp started, he was motivated to get into a routine and commit to his training.
After the incredible transformation Michael experienced in his first 6 week challenge, he was determined to do it again and take out the Major Prize for an opportunity to train 1-on-1 with our co-founder and 4 x world champion boxer, Danny Green.
Our Training Camp provides our members with the Training, Nutrition and Mindset guidance to transform in just 6 weeks – and this was Michael’s approach:
What was your approach to the Training?
“In Victoria, we started 11 // Training Camp during Lockdown 5.0, we were able to get back into the club for a short period but were back into lockdown again for the 6th time.
Thankfully, I’ve got a pretty good [gym equipment] setup at home and I’ve slowly been adding more boxing equipment to it as well.
During the Training Camp, I made a commitment to train every day, and on rest days still incorporate active recovery like incline walking.
Each day I would complete my UBX workout in the morning before work. Then I added some additional cardio and made sure I was progressively adding weight to build muscle.”
What did your daily nutrition look like?
“One of the biggest changes was that I took beer out of my diet, although I did enjoy a glass of wine once a weekend if I felt like it.
I relied on the My Muscle Chef meals for lunches and dinners to maintain controlled portions and track my calories.
I made sure to eat enough to supplement my training, and added protein powder and BCAA’s to help with muscle development and recovery.
I also stuck to My Muscle Chef meals, and took out beer but added in Protein and BCAA’s to help with progressions.
And throughout the day I would add nutrient dense snacks like what’s on the meal plan: nuts, fruit, protein shakes, yoghurt, and peanut butter on rice cakes.
Since the last challenge, I’ve been eating a little more, but still staying consistent.
I really stuck to the daily caloric intake from the meal plan, but made adjustments to the foods to suit me.”
How did you stay focused and consistent throughout the challenge?
“Everything has changed. In my last challenge I was still getting my head around ‘mindset’.
I had a few things happen in life over the past year that have made things tough: my daughter had moved to QLD, and my brother had moved away.
But I’ve used training to stay mentally healthy.
After the results from the first challenge and the amazing feedback I was getting I just got addicted.
These days I’m waking up before my alarm clock and starting the day right every single day.
I spoke to a friend of mine who had a similar journey and he inspired me by saying you just have to commit to the lifestyle.
And I just love boxing. I put my first pair of gloves on at 40 and I just love it.
The team at Berwick, Glenn and Jade are great, they kept going even during lockdown.
My wife also started UBX after the last challenge to join me on my journey.
Changing my mentality has been a game changer.
I actually put a photo of Danny Green up in front of my treadmill to look at every day.
I would even listen to motivational videos while I was training to just stay in the zone.”
What goals did you set for yourself coming into Training Camp, and why?
“The chance to meet Danny was the ultimate goal. As soon as I heard about the prize I was sold. I got straight into getting fight-ready for my opportunity to box with Danny.
I just found after that first challenge how much better I felt and wanted to continue it.
There’s so much I can do now that I couldn’t before.
I even take my son with me to my training to have him in an environment that’s focused on fitness and wellbeing – because it’s contagious.
After seeing my results, even all my friends and family are jumping on the ‘fit-train’
So my goal has been to have a better quality of life all around. I’ve learnt to eat better, and feel better.
What advice do you have for other members taking on the Training Camp – 6 week challenge?
“I’ve got a thousand things that I could say – I’ve been helping a few other members from UBX Berwick already with some tips to help them to see results as well.
First, I would say, the challenge might start in 2 weeks, but you can get started next week. You don’t have to wait, just start.
Then, set your goal and stick to it – it’s something everyone says, but if you really stick to it, and sharpen your mindset, you’ll get there.
And listen to your body – mind over matter. If things are hard, just keep pushing. But if you’re really challenging your body to the extreme then you also need to make sure you give yourself recovery. If your body’s telling you not to train, then take active recovery instead.
Show yourself what your made of – to learn more about the Training Camp and see when our next 6 week challenge starts, head to: