Introducing Justin, an 11 // Training Camp participant who saw incredible results from his first 6 week challenge, dropping an impressive 9.9kg of body weight and lost 8.3% of body fat, and boasts strong improvements across all of his benchmark exercises.

Justin joined the UBX Greenslopes club in July 2021, just in time for the 11 // Training Camp.
After having done fitness challenges in the past with other fitness providers, Justin was keen to see what he could achieve in 6 weeks with the UBX Training Camp.
As a father of 2 kids, aged 6 and 7, and a full-time professional working as the General Manager of a Customer Experience team, Justin found that UBX worked perfectly with his schedule and allowed him to make time for his training, and time for himself and his personal health and fitness goals.

Our 3 Benchmark exercises are designed to track your athletic progression from the start of Training Camp through to the end of the 6 week challenge.
Justin improved across each of his benchmarks:
- Anaerobic Conditioning – 1:20 ROW
- Start result: 280m
- End results: 402m
- 122m improvement
- Muscular Endurance – 3:00 PUSH UP INTO CLEAN + PRESS
- Start result: 18 reps
- End result: 65 reps
- 47 rep improvement
- Power – 15 CAL SKI ERG
- Start result: 1 minute 10 seconds
- End result: 45 seconds
- 25 second improvement

Justin also saw incredible changes in his body composition:
- Body Fat Percentage reduced by 8.3%
- Total Body Weight loss of 9.9kg
Our Training Camp provides our members with the Training, Nutrition and Mindset guidance to transform in just 6 weeks – and this was Justin’s experience:
Why did you decide to participate in the Training Camp?
“I initially started the 6 week challenge to see if I could work UBX into my lifestyle. In my younger years, I was always involved with the gym and used to play some sport, but getting older that’s changed due to injuries and lifestyle. Being so hands on in the mornings getting the kids to school before work, then amongst other commitments it was hard to keep up with it. Whereas, at UBX, it’s so great being able to get in and get out and still have time in the day. I can always make time for my workouts now.
I was actually quite nervous about the boxing but the additional boxing masterclasses [hosted by Danny Green] and support from my coaches made the transition really easy. I might not be the best boxer but that doesn’t matter, UBX is much more than that!
On Saturdays, my wife and I actually train together and bring the kids, they just hang out watching us train. They even love trying on my gloves and trying out a few boxing combos now and then.
Other than the convenience, one of the biggest benefits I didn’t realise I would get was that the variety of exercises in the workout. The training has strengthened my whole body. I’ve been at UBX for 3 months now and I’m still seeing new exercises I haven’t done before. I’ve had to slow down a lot in the past because of injury but now I feel like I can do so much more again. I’m even thinking about going back to soccer competitively.”
What was your approach to the Training?
“Because I’d just started, the training was already pretty new to me. I committed to training as many days as possible, but listened to my body. I got sick for a few days in the first week but still tried to stay active at home until I was ready to get back into the club again.
At the same time I was training for the Bridge to Brisbane so I was incorporating a couple of runs each week as well.
In the 2nd week of the challenge we actually went into lockdown here in Brisbane, and it was pretty testing. I even went on the FB group and posted about it and got a lot of support from other members.
But I stayed focused on my goals and that kept me motivated.
Our club also ran Zoom workouts which was great for having personal connection throughout that time. I made sure to do additional workouts using TRAIN: On Demand, which was great as a flexible option at home. The kids even got involved.
I really surprised myself with how easy it was to actually make the time for my training. The more I got into it, the more energy I had and the more motivated I was to keep going.”
What did your daily nutrition look like?
“The meal plan and the nutritional guidance was a big part of the results I saw.
I cut out alcohol and really watched my daily caloric intake. I was also really conscious of my protein intake. I’ve always had an athletic build so it’s not something I’ve really focused on before. I’ve done other challenges in the past but what I found with UBX was that the although weight came off gradually (rather than rapidly), but it was so much more maintainable and far more significant overall – I lost way more weight that I had set my goal to achieve.
I mostly did My Muscle Chef, but also took the initiative to cook for my family which gave me control over ingredients and portion sizes, so I could make sure I was sticking to my caloric intake, and that also allowed me to cook things that worked for myself, and my wife and kids, and suited our lifestyle.
Did you make adjustments to prioritise your training?
“I was really conscious of mindset and recovery, which is something I don’t usually incorporate. Throughout the challenge I would make sure that I was including a daily meditation, and added stretches after being active. It was great having that opportunity to slow down and be present. I found it was really beneficial for my mental health.
I also really relied on my coaches, I was talking to my coach, AJ regularly asking questions about my progress and for guidance on how to better approach my nutrition and manage my training. I really just trusted the process.”
What are your biggest takeaways post-Training Camp?
“I think for so long I was doing things a certain way with my training and nutrition, and UBX and the Training Camp structure really challenged a lot of things I thought I knew, but led to amazing results.
I basically expected to lose 6kgs based off results I got in previous challenges I’ve done before with other gyms, but I absolutely smashed that goal, not just in weight but also in body fat.
I actually found it really fun and enjoyable, and surprisingly easy. Making those small balanced changes were actually really simple to adopt.
I felt a little nervous actually that it would be really hard to maintain the results I achieved, but I’ve still managed to continue a lot of the healthy habits I introduced during the challenge to keep the weight off. I’m still eating really well and keeping up with my training.
I’m taking the time now to just enjoy life as usual, especially going into Christmas and the holiday season, but I’ll be keen to get back into another challenge in the new year.
I’ve even recently gone on a holiday and made an effort to go to the gym while I was away but found it funny that I actually had to program my own workout unlike at UBX where I’ve got my coaches and I can just rock up and get started. So that’s been massive, just knowing all I have to do is get to the gym and I’ve got a workout and support waiting for me. It’s the only decision I really have to make each day – just get to the gym.”
What advice do you have for other members taking on the Training Camp – 6 week challenge?
“Even if there are days where you’re not quite feeling it, just turn up.
The beauty is, you can go as hard or as light as you want. You’re running your own race. You start at your own round, no one’s watching you, what you put in is what you get back.
Just trust the process, the programs work, once you commit you’ll see results.
And you’ll have fun!
During the challenge, diet is a key component of how you’ll get results, but find what suits you and stick to it.
It’s just about committing to yourself and proving to you that you can do it. Challenge yourself to break bad habits.”
Show yourself what your made of – to learn more about the Training Camp and see when our next 6 week challenge starts, head to: